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The Hidden Dangers: Why Companies Should Prioritize Employee Drug Testing

drug testing Employee Drug Testing Performance Productivity Workplace Safety

The Hidden Dangers: Why Companies Should Prioritize Employee Drug Testing

Employee drug testing plays a pivotal role in safeguarding both employees and the organization.

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Creating a Safe and Productive Work Environment: The Importance of Drug-Free Workplace Policies

In today's competitive business landscape, maintaining a safe and productive work environment is crucial for the success of any organization. One essential component of fostering such an environment is implementing and enforcing drug-free workplace policies. These policies not only ensure the safety of employees but also promote productivity, reduce liability risks, and protect the overall reputation of the organization. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of drug-free workplace policies and their benefits for both employers and employees.

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Title: Nationwide Testing: Ensuring Accurate and Convenient Lab Services

In today's fast-paced world, accessibility and convenience are key factors when it comes to essential services. This holds true for diagnostic testing as well. Lab Test Solutions understands the importance of providing reliable and comprehensive lab services to individuals across the nation. With our nationwide testing capabilities, we are committed to delivering accurate results and exceptional convenience, no matter where you are located.

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Black Friday!

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Establish a Drug- and Alcohol-Abuse Prevention Policy

Whether the substance abuse occurs at home or at work, employees who abuse alcohol and drugs (including illegal drugs, prescription drugs, and over-the-counter drugs) can create significant issues for both employers and other employees. Employees who abuse drugs have been shown to have lower job performance, reduced productivity, and greater absenteeism, not to mention higher medical and workers’ compensation costs. In large part to address these issues, drug testing has become the norm at many companies. However, drug testing can be problematic – if done incorrectly or in a manner inconsistent with your company’s culture. Moreover, there are legal restrictions...

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